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Assassin’s Creed Syndicate: Crimes of Jack the Ripper

Ever feel like Assassin’s Creed Syndicate painted Victorian London a little too shiny? Remember those cobblestone streets bathed in perpetual sunshine? Gone. Replaced by fog swirling around gaslights, casting chilling shadows that hint at lurking dangers. Instead of posh balls and high society tea parties, we’re diving into the seedy underbelly of Whitechapel, where every creak of the floorboard could be the Ripper himself. “Assassin’s Creed Syndicate: Jack the Ripper” explores one of the most enigmatic and infamous chapters in both history and the Assassin’s Creed universe. Set during the Autumn of terror in 1888 London, the “Jack the Ripper” DLC adds an interesting spin to the events of those dark months, intertwining historical facts with the game’s fictional narrative to craft a compelling and immersive experience. This DLC plunges us into a desperate hunt for a killer whose identity has mystified people for over a century. So, if you’re craving a truly dark and immersive Assassin’s Creed experience, the “Jack the Ripper” DLC is your holy grail. Just remember, pack your virtual mask, because the air in Whitechapel is thick… with fear.

The Setting

The DLC is set in 1888, a few years after the events of the main game. London is in the grip of fear as a series of brutal murders attributed to the mysterious figure known as Jack the Ripper terrorise the Whitechapel district. The game’s depiction of London is atmospheric, capturing the fog-laden and grimy streets that serve as a backdrop to the Ripper’s crimes.

Players find themselves in the boots of both Jacob and Evie Frye, the twin protagonists from the main game but also the Ripper himself. The twins, now much older and more experienced, are facing a new kind of challenge. The story kicks off with Jacob Frye investigating the murders in his capacity as a leader within the Assassin Brotherhood, only to go missing early in the narrative. Evie Frye, returning from India, takes up the mantle to stop the Ripper and uncover the fate of her brother.

The Ripper

The character of Jack the Ripper is portrayed with a mix of historical and fictional elements. While the real identity of Jack the Ripper remains unknown, the game takes creative liberties to fit him into the Assassin’s Creed lore. He is depicted as a former Assassin gone rogue, using fear tactics and brutal murders to spread terror. This twist adds depth to the narrative, exploring themes of corruption within the Brotherhood. Jack the Ripper is the first historical figure in the Assassin’s Creed series to be a playable character, so the gameplay was updated for his sections to be more brutal, employing fear tactics.

The Crimes


Jack the Ripper’s crimes are intricately woven into the overarching narrative of the Assassin’s Creed universe. The Ripper is portrayed as a rogue Assassin who uses the skills taught by the Brotherhood for his own twisted ends. This provides a reason for his understanding of stealth but also ties his actions back to the central conflict of the series between Assassins and Templars. The game suggests that his killings were not random acts of violence but part of a larger, more sinister plan to destabilise London and, by extension, the control the Assassins held over the city. 

In 1888, Jack became infamous for a series of gruesome murders of women through Whitechapel; in reality, these women were fellow Assassins disguised as prostitutes who had been attempting to stop his spiral of madness. Jack usurped control of the Rooks from Jacob, recruiting or killing anyone sent to deter him. Radicalising his followers, Whitechapel the centre of Jack’s operations descended into a cesspool of crime and depravity. Through his lieutenants, Jack dominated the criminal underworld in Whitechapel and the City of London. 

Psychological Warfare

The Ripper’s crimes are not just physical but also psychological. He uses fear as a weapon, not only against his victims but against the entire city of London. The game depicts this through the panic and terror that grips Whitechapel and beyond, affecting every stratum of society. This atmosphere of fear is palpable in the game, affecting how NPCs interact with the player and each other. The Ripper sends letters to the police and the press, boasting of his crimes and taunting authorities, a detail drawn directly from historical accounts, which is incorporated into the game to enhance the narrative’s authenticity and tension.

The depiction of the Ripper’s crimes serves as a dark exploration of one of history’s most infamous killers. The game balances historical accuracy with the fictional narrative of the Assassin’s Creed series, using the crimes as a means to explore deeper themes such as the use of fear as a weapon, and the consequences of power turned malignant. Through its detailed investigative gameplay, atmospheric setting, and integration into the series’ lore, the DLC offers a unique and immersive experience that stands out within the franchise for its bold examination of Jack the Ripper’s legacy of terror.

Motives behind the crimes

In “Assassin’s Creed Syndicate,” Jack the Ripper’s crimes are depicted with a focus on their brutal and terrifying nature. The game does not shy away from portraying the violence inflicted upon the victims, all of whom are women. The murders are characterised by extreme brutality, with the victims found mutilated in a manner that suggests both a deep hatred for the victims and a twisted psychological motive.

In-game files contained an unused database entry that gives Jack’s backstory:

“18 August 1870. At 3:40 AM an unidentified woman whom Jacob Frye sometimes visited to procure information about local gangs, was brutally murdered in her Whitechapel lodgings.

Her young son Jack was awakened by his mother’s screams as three men burst into their shared room and proceeded to stab her to death before the eyes of her ten year old son.

After the murderers unceremoniously dumped the woman’s body in the Thames River, they dragged Jack, covered in his mother’s blood and babbling incoherently about ‘pigs’ and ‘templars’, to Lambeth Asylum, where he was interned in the wing for the violent criminals. Doctor Archer and Nurse Whitney signed the admission papers.

Jack is said to have cried inconsolably and screamed aloud for a certain ‘Jacob’ over and over for days, until he was gagged and silenced.

Nearly a year later, Jack appears to have escaped from the asylum with outside assistance and vanished from official records.”

While not pure evil and desiring his own warped sense of good, the trauma of losing his mother and his subsequent incarceration at Lambeth Asylum had a lasting effect on Jack’s mental stability. Jack’s views on the Assassin Order quickly developed and he came to the conclusion that Jacob was responsible, however indirectly, for the death of his mother and the abuse he faced at Lambeth Asylum. He also began to develop a strong disdain for the Creed, considering a creed that could not protect its own to be a dead one.

In the game Evie examines old crime scenes and learns that all of the women Jack murdered were in fact members of Jacob’s Assassin Brotherhood. She also finds messages left by the Ripper, which reveal that he blames Jacob for his mother’s murder by the Templars in his youth, and that he has developed an extremist view of the Creed, so he decided to take control of the Brotherhood from Jacob and reform it.

Historical Accuracy and Fictional Licence

The “Jack the Ripper” DLC for Assassin’s Creed Syndicate is a fascinating exploration of one of history’s greatest mysteries. By blending historical facts with the series’ rich lore, it offers a unique perspective on the Ripper’s crimes, set against the backdrop of Victorian London’s sprawling, fog-filled streets. Through its engaging narrative, new additions to the gameplay, and atmospheric setting, it stands as a compelling chapter in the Assassin’s Creed saga, inviting players to delve into the dark heart of one of the most notorious killers in history.

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate’s “Jack the Ripper” DLC isn’t just an expansion; it’s a masterful transformation. This shift in tone isn’t mere aesthetic it’s a thematic triumph, injecting a darkness the base game sorely lacked. By weaving the Ripper’s legend into the Assassin’s Creed universe, the DLC delivers a unique and captivating narrative twist. Jack the Ripper, not just a faceless monster, becomes a corrupted Assassin, his motives born from trauma and warped ideals. This adds depth and nuance, forcing players to confront the potential for darkness within even the noblest organizations. Ultimately, ” Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Jack the Ripper” doesn’t just add content to Syndicate; it revitalizes it. By confronting the true horrors of Victorian London and the potential for darkness within the Assassin Brotherhood, “Jack the Ripper” stands as a testament to the power of storytelling, proving that sometimes, the best way to shine a light is to embrace the shadows.

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